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Celebrating a Year of Basic Income: Christelle's Story

March 9, 2024

In the spirit of ushering in a Happy Basic Income Year, we are thrilled to announce the winner of our first global Basic Income Raffle: Christelle from France! Let's delve into Christelle's journey and explore how Basic Income is transforming her life.

Christelle, a single mother and dedicated social worker in France, was the lucky recipient of a one-year Basic Income (€9,600 / €800 per month) on December 17, 2023 (lot number 15739).

Christelle works at a facility that provides support for teenagers in emergency situations, focusing on their overall well-being rather than just their health. In this role, she prepares meals and manages household tasks. Christelle’s daughter said about her mother: "She deserves the UBI so much because she always put the wellbeing of others before her own." As a social worker, Christelle is keenly aware of social challenges. She shared with us how she never sought assistance herself, fearing that others might need it more. This highlights the pervasive notion of viewing cash grants as a need-based system, rather than recognizing that the right to freedom – to be and do what we want – should be entitled to all.

With the Basic Income, Christelle finally has the opportunity to free herself from the cycle of living on the edge of the poverty line and enjoy simple comforts that she could not afford before. As she eloquently puts it: "It's a great job... I love doing what I'm doing! Sometimes it's very hard.. sometimes it's so cool, so funny! It's like the life!" Thanks to her Basic Income, Christelle can treat herself and her family to experiences such as going to the theatre and restaurants, enriching their lives in ways that were previously not possible.

Christelle's story serves as a poignant reminder of the inherent injustices within our meritocratic society. Despite her unwavering dedication and hard work, Christelle has long been denied the luxuries many take for granted. Basic Income offers a glimmer of hope, a chance for individuals like Christelle to treat themselves and pursue their passions without the burden of financial insecurity.

As we congratulate Christelle on her Basic Income win, we also extend our gratitude to our generous supporters and dedicated UBI Beavers who make such transformative moments possible. With each donation, we move closer to realizing a world where everyone can live without financial worries and has the freedom to thrive. Additionally, we received a generous donation of 3,700€ from the French UBI project Mon Revenu de Base, bringing the next raffle much closer! Thank you all!

We wish Christelle a year filled with joy, fulfillment, and newfound opportunities, and eagerly anticipate the ripple effects of Basic Income in her life and beyond. Here's to a future where every individual can embrace their inherent right to dignity, security, and economic independence. Happy Basic Income Year!

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